Things I wish I could say to people, but can’t (pt. X of XXVI)

Nobody will get this unless you happen to know a little too much about this particular person.

  • I love everything about you.  I liked you better when you were younger, but I equally enjoy your prank-playing future self.  I guess you could lose a little weight and gain a little muscle.  Maybe read, write, and draw more.  Or maybe you could just finish any of the things on your to do list.  That said: you’re such an awesome person.  I’m glad I am know you.  You make me a better person.

Navigationpt. i, pt. ii, pt. iii, pt. iv, pt. v, pt. vi, pt. vii, pt. viii, pt. ix, pt. x, pt. xi, pt. xii, pt. xiii, pt. xiv, pt. xv, pt. xvi, pt. xvii, pt. xviii, pt. xix, pt. xx, pt. xxi, pt. xxii, pt. xxiii, pt. xxiv, pt. xxv, pt. xxvi

Nobody will get this unless you happen to know a little too much about this particular person. I love everything about you.  I liked you better when you were younger, but I equally enjoy your prank-playing future self.  I guess you could lose a little weight and gain a little muscle.  Maybe read, write, and…